Tuesday, September 30, 2014

The Milky Way Galaxy

                                        The Milky Way Galaxy
    The Milky Way is the name of our galaxy. It contains of billions of stars, 8 planets, an asteroid belt, black holes, gas and dust, comets, and many other celestial things. This galaxy is a spiraled galaxy with a big bump in the middle with 4 spiral arms. 
    Many people might not know this but galaxies are moving, including ours. Our solar system is moving with the Milky Way along with the things this galaxy contains. Our solar system moves at a tremendous speed of 828,000 km. per hour, circulating the whole galaxy in 230 million years. 
    In the middle of the galaxy, there is something called the galactic bulge which contains a ton of stars, gas, and dust. The gas and dust covers so much space of the bulge making humans unable to see a lot of the stars in the galaxy. In the very center of the bulge, there is a humongous black hole. It is WAY bigger than the sun and it feeds on the stars, gases, and dusts that goes in its path,  growing huger and huger. 
Andromeda  (left) Milky Way (right)
    Now, based on the fact that galaxies do move, what do you think is going to happen? (Hint: There is a galaxy very close to ours called the Andromeda Galaxy...and it's heading our way.) Answer: Our galaxy is going to clash and collide into it. Now, don't worry. I know it's hard to take in, but it's not 'till 4 billion years later when that happens. So we are fine... for now. Remember, our sun is also a star. That means it will die at some point in time. Scientists calculated that before Milky Way and Andromeda clash course, the sun would have already begin dying and it would make our solar system inhabitable. Surprised?
    I have been thinking about our future for the past few days. What will happen to our solar system after the sun dies? Will there be another type of organism that will strive and live after the collision of the two galaxies? But I can't answer those questions. I don't think anyone can...

  •     Our solar system contains of 8 planets and 3 dwarf planets. For all you starters out there, the sun is in the middle while the following planets and 3 dwarf planets spin around it: 1. Mercury 2. Venus 3. Earth 4. Mars 5. Jupiter 6. Saturn 7. Uranus (lol) 8. Neptune 9. Pluto 10. Ceres 11. Eris. An asteroid belt divides the inner and the outer planets starting from Jupiter. (My favorite planet is Saturn. Don't know why.)
  •      Stars are hot spherical shaped objects in space and are made of about 70% hydrogen, 25% helium, and 5% of other elements. Stars that are red are called red giants. They are the least hot of all the different colored stars. Blue stars are the hottest of all stars.
  •     Black holes are like HUMONGOUS vacuums in space. Nobody knows where you go to when you get sucked into it. That's the scary part about black holes. I think that the only good part about them are that they keep space clean. (lol)


Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Technology For Astronomers and Astronauts

   A lot of people who are interested in science, have a habit of not paying attention to the technologies scientists use to do their experiments and/or research. I’m one of those people so researching and writing about scientist’s (mainly astronomer’s) technologies is going to be hard. On the other hand, scientists can go on and on about the technologies that they use. Scientists use technology so much that they feel like technology is part of their daily routine and life.

·       Satellites are used by all kinds of scientists. They help scientists by taking pictures of the Earth or any other extraterrestrial things. Satellites are also used for communication. Telephone lines, television shows,  GPS signals, and many more need satellites in order to perform their activities.

·       Radio interferometers are used by astronomers to study celestial (space) objects. Large antennas send radio waves into space, making an image out of the object that is blocking the way of the waves.

·       Robots are very important for astronomers. Mobile robots can travel to places where humans cannot in space. They take pictures and send them to the scientists. Human-like robots were made to perform daily tasks of the astronauts.

·       Spectrographs are used by astronomers to measure the spectra, meaning the light waves, of stars and galaxies.

·       Computers help astronomers by it having useful tools and apps that the scientists can use to study space, like Microsoft Windows for example.

·       Space shuttles help astronauts travel to places in space to take a closer look at things.

·       Telescopes are very important to astronomers, but I’m sure that you all know what they help scientists do. The Hubble Telescope is a telescope made to perform the same tasks as a satellite, but also works as a telescope. (No idea why they can’t just call it the Hubble Satellite.) 

Thursday, September 18, 2014

The Basics About Space


                                                        The Basics About Space

      Space is a place in the universe where stars, planets, meteors, asteroids, black holes, and many more extraterrestrial things float non-stop due to zero gravity. Since there is no air in space, no known living organisms live in it. Also, there is no way to communicate with each other since sound cannot be carried through space. In our solar system, the Milky Way Galaxy, we have one star called the sun and 8 planets that orbit the yellow star due to its gravitational pull. Our solar system is just a tiny part of space. There are billions and trillions more galaxies out there that scientists haven't discovered, yet. There are spiral ones, circular ones, just plain irregular shaped ones, and many more kinds of galaxy shapes. 

    The theory of Big Bang is about how our whole universe was created. Big Bang states that the whole universe started at one point and then expanded. Scientists calculated that the universe started about 13.8 billion years ago. Astronomers, today, are still trying to find the answers to the thousands if not millions of questions that had not been answered yet. But through time and as knowledge grows through the generations, questions might be answered. Scientists might figure out a way for humans to live in Mars. We might even see aliens coming to our planet and try to take over it. (JK) But as far as I'm concerned, we all just need to be patient and let time be the tunnel to victory.